A promise of a magical childhood, from our family to yours.
Set within the beautiful Cornish landscape, we offer an early years’ experience with the magic of childhood at its heart. Naturally Learning is a place to make meaningful memories, connect with nature and learn skills for life.
What we believe
Naturally Learning has a strong ethos, underpinned by brain development theory, an understanding of how children learn, knowledge of child development theories and years of experience working with young children and their families.
Our holistic approach to childcare and education focuses on the child as a whole, nurturing their body, mind and soul.
Where we play
Our indoor environments provide spaces of calm where children can access a wide range of stimulating learning experiences, and a variety of interesting resources to investigate.
At Naturally Learning there are quiet places to rest and reflect, communication-friendly spaces to talk with friends, areas to spark creativity and imagination, things to question and count, sensory experiences to explore and places to read and write.
At Naturally Learning, children have the opportunity to spend much of their time outside and experience multiple learning opportunities in our outdoor classrooms and gardens.
We are proud to offer award winning forest and beach school sessions as outdoor learning is integral to our ethos. Find us in the woods or on the coast as we build independent, capable and resilient learners through access to wild spaces and risky play.
How we learn
Our holistic approach ensures children form nurturing relationships on which to build future learning. As children develop, our knowledgeable educators provide a safe base for them to explore the challenge of independence.
Children learn best when they are fully immersed in their education which is reflected in our child led approach. At Naturally Learning there is time to play, space to explore and freedom to choose.
Through project-based planning and a seasonal curriculum, we naturally scaffold children’s learning through their own interests and inquiry.

“Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into the world”
Maria Montessori.
Hear from our parents